One of the fallacies pushed by monetary economists is that a growing economy needs a growing supply of money in order to prevent deflation, which they claim is as harmful…
World News
The child-like obsession with buying stuff that American society is often criticized for around Christmas is a sought-after result of our government’s monetary policy.
Thanks to the Fed’s balance sheet and the Fed’s policy on reverse repurchase agreements, it’s hard to tell whether the Fed is being hawkish or dovish.
Fifty years ago today, December 11, 1974, F.A. Hayek gave his Nobel Lecture in Sweden. The conflict between what the public expects science to achieve in satisfaction of popular hopes,…
No matter how the court rules on birthright citizenship (or anything else), it certainly won’t be the “last word” on the matter, and nothing is decided beyond the short term.
Despite efforts by elites to promote state-sponsored education, people are revolting against the statist model. From private schools to home schooling and other alternatives, people have not forgotten that liberty…
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Post Content
What a week! Before being accused of Trumpcheerleading, the elephant in the room must be acknowledged: the Federal Reserve, its role in the inevitable boom-bust cycle, and Trump’s evolving stance…
How should we approach the study of history? An unfortunate trend has been to implement “history by theory” in which practitioners take theories and present them as facts. An honest…